DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6001843

Impact of Keremt Rains in Water Resource of Ethiopia with Reference to Rift Valley

 Mohammed Aliye1, 2*, Abdi Hassen3

 1Natural Resources, East Hararghe, Meta Agricultural Office, Harar, Oromia, Ethiopia

2 Natural Resources and Environmental Science , Department of Environmental science and Management, Haramaya University, Haramaya, Oromia, Ethiopia

3Animal productions, East Hararghe, Meta Agricultural Office, Harar, Oromia, Ethiopia *Corresponding author Email:


Abstract: In this paper, an important to review of studies on the impact of summer or keremit rains in water resource of Ethiopia with Special related to rift valley as well as the problems and future utilization of water resource in the rift valley lakes basin of Ethiopia was conducted. The overall land mass of the country is hydrologically divided into twelve basins, eight of these are River Basins, one Lake Basin and three Dry Basins. The rift valley lake basin is endowed with a number of rivers as well as lakes of varying size with high environmental significance. The Kiremt season is the major rain season over Ethiopia where it covers up to 90% of the total rain of a year over some regions of the country and the major driver of this rainfall is the ITCZ. Most of rivers, dams, lakes and different water bodies filled with water during this season resulted occurrence flood and drought as well as land degradation, sedimentation, drought and floods as the major challenges of water resources in the rift valley lakes basin of Ethiopia during the rainy season. The main water resources problem in Ethiopia is the uneven spatial and temporal occurrence and distribution with the groundwater potential of the country is not known with any certainty. So the future opportunity to develop and proper utilization is critical of water resources through sustainable and conserve water resource.

Key Words: Kiremt Rain, Rift Valley, Water Resource


International Journal of Ground Sediment & Water

ISSN: 2372-0743 (print) ISSN: 2373-2989 (on line)

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